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Laiwu Taihe Party branch carried out the theme Party Day activities of "studying and implementing th
瀏覽次數(shù):46 日期:2024/10/12 9:26:17【返回目錄】
On the afternoon of August 29, Laiwu Taihe Party Branch organized the theme Party Day activities of "Studying and implementing the Spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee", and all Party members of the branch collectively studied the Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Further Comprehensively Deepening reform and Promoting Chinese-style Modernization.

After learning, party members talked about their feelings and experiences on the study of the "Decision", especially on the focus on promoting high-quality economic development and building a comprehensive innovation system and mechanism combined with the companys reality. High-quality development is of Paramount importance. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Chinas economic strength has made a historic leap. In 2023, Chinas GDP exceeded 126 trillion yuan and its per capita GDP reached US $12,700, ranking among the top middle-income countries. At the same time, we must note that Chinas unbalanced and inadequate development is still a prominent problem, its scientific and technological innovation capacity is not strong, and the limitations of traditional productive forces and growth models have become increasingly prominent. The new quality productivity is guided by the new development concept and represents the direction of productivity. Science and technology are the primary productive forces, and innovation is the primary driving force for development. High technology, high efficiency and high quality have revealed the basic characteristics of new quality productivity and clarified the new major requirements for the development of new quality productivity in the new era and the new journey. We must use scientific and technological innovation to drive the iterative upgrading of productive forces, use new quality productive forces to enable industrial transformation and upgrading, and continue to create new drivers for high-quality economic development and new space.

Qi Sheng, secretary of the Party branch, stressed that as Laiwu Taihe, how to realize the optimization and upgrading of traditional industries? One is to use digital intelligence technology to transform and upgrade; Second, use green technology to transform and upgrade; The third is to use standards to lead industrial optimization and upgrading. Innovation determines the future, and reform is related to factory transportation. We need to drive innovation through reform and lead development through innovation. As a new strategic measure, there are two points to be grasped in understanding and implementing the development of new quality productive forces: first, traditional industries do not represent backward productive forces, and through technological innovation can stimulate traditional industries to glow with new vitality and become an important source of development of new quality productive forces; Second, to develop new quality productive forces, we must adapt to local conditions and work steadily. It is necessary to respect the objective laws of industrial development, give full play to the development potential and comparative advantages of enterprises, play the "special card", play the "first hand chess", and steadily develop the companys new quality productivity.

關于泰禾 | 產(chǎn)品中心 | 人才招聘 | 新聞資訊 | 服務中心 | 聯(lián)系我們

版權所有 2013-2024 泰禾生化 地址:山東省濟南市萊蕪高新區(qū)長江大街89號  備案號:魯ICP備09092201號-1  

電話:86-531-78556961 傳真:86-531-78808983 Email:laiwutaihe@163.com 郵編:271100
